I've just started to use Javascript professionally so I've decided to apply my new knowledge to experiment on using this technology to display MDX data. My goal was restricted to display a CellSetAxis from a fixed query, allowing the user to drill down/drill up on any member.
High Level Design
Such a modest goal would be accomplished by implementing a CellSetAxis Javascript class with the following contract:
- CellSetAxis(elem)
elem: jQuery element
Creates a new class object to display an axis as a child of the jQuery element passed as first parameter. - setData(cellSetAxisData)
Updates the axis content using the provided data. More on this data structure in a moment. - setExpandHandler(handler)/setCollapseHandler(handler)
handler:function(csAxis, position)
Install a handler function to respond a user interaction to drill down/drill up a given position. The csAxis will contain a reference to the object itself;
position will contain the array of members conforming the position to act on.
The counterpart to this Javascript class would be a RESTful Java Servlet generating the required JSON representation from CellSetAxis objects (GET), and executing the drill operations (PUT).
CellSetAxis alla JSON
A CellSetAxis in olap4j is basically a table of members with a row for each position, and a column for each hierarchy in the axis. To minimize data redundancy the JSON format will parallel the expected representation, using spans; and the following CellSetAxis fragment

Will have this JSON structure
[ [{member:"All Stores"}, {member:"All Products"}], [{member:"Canada", span:4}, {member:"All Products"}] [{member:"Drink"}], [{member:"Food"}], [{member:"Non-Consumable"}] ]
Actually, this is an oversimplified version, for each member, the servlet generates the following information:
[ [{member:"All Stores"}, {member:"All Products"}], [{member:"Canada", span:4}, {member:"All Products"}] [{member:"Drink"}], [{member:"Food"}], [{member:"Non-Consumable"}] ]
Triggering Drill/Undrill
DOM generation from this JSON format is pretty straightforward so the last step is detecting drill/undrill actions initiated by the user.
The strategy I've used is attaching to each HTML cell a reference to the member it represents and a back pointer to the previous member in its position. A single click handler installed in the table representing the axis can find the clicked cell and build up the drill/undrill position.
Wrap Up
Implementing my self imposed goals were easier than expected and the end result is pretty satisfactory. Furthermore this solution presents some advantages over the JSF library: unloads the server from some tasks that can be better accomplished in the user's browser, reduces the amount of information sent forth and back from the browser to the server.
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