Drag & Drop to Modify Axis Hierarchies
Developing Javascript Web Apps with Maven: Initial Research
In this post I'm going to write down my initial research on creating a Maven based toolset to develop Javascript intensive web applications. The guys at Codehaus already have a project with the same goal, and I've borrowed some ideas from them. His approach doesn't fit well with my needs, but you should take a look a it, maybe it works for you.
I've just started to scratch the surface and I don't address things like Javascript minifying, AMD and the like. These are the problems I've been working on
- Using a separate directory to store Javascript source and test files.
- Packaging Javascript libraries as Maven dependencies and using the Maven dependency mechanism to retrieve transitive dependencies.
- Including Javascript unit tests in the Maven builds
- Enabling rapid develop/test cycles
Leveraging Bootstrap and Angular
The driving force behind my current Javascript experiment was a need to modernize the UI for the Pivot Table. Clearly the old good JPivot-like UI doesn't match modern users expectations: context menus, drag & drop items, etc. So, once my Javascript cellset fulfilled basic functionality (drill up/down and add/remove hierarchies) I've started my work to rejuvenate the UI into a more stylish one.
A Functional CellSet Pivot Table Using AngularJS and jQuery
I've take my previous Javascript experiment one step further; up to the point where it provides a functional CellSet pivot table and a hierarchy selector. I'm now learning AngularJS, and I like its MVC approach, so I'm using it for this experiment.
Sources, Live Demo and Maven Repository
You can find the sources for this experiment in my GitHub olap4j-js repository. Sources for olap4j-query are also in GitHub: olap4j-query; but I've set up a maven repository to host a olap4j-query 0.0.1 release version, used in this experiment. The required Maven snippet to use this repository is:
<repositories> ... <repository> <id>desarrollo-agil</id> <url>http://demo.desarrolloagil.es/nexus/content/repositories/releases/</url> </repository> </repositories>
Experiment published
I´ve just published the experiment in my last entry. You can find it in my github. It has a couple of dependencies on projects you can find also in my github: olap4j-query and jasmine-maven-plugin. The later is optional (just for unit testing)
An Experiment: Using Javascript to Display CellSet Data
I've just started to use Javascript professionally so I've decided to apply my new knowledge to experiment on using this technology to display MDX data. My goal was restricted to display a CellSetAxis from a fixed query, allowing the user to drill down/drill up on any member.
Looking for Real World Uses Cases of this Project
I'm looking for new features to add to this project, but I have no real world use case scenarios supporting the need for new functionallity.
If you think this library is worthwhile and can be usefull for a project you are working on, please send me any use case or funtionallity request you think it's missing. I'll answer every request.